On 03/22/2013 03:27 AM, Andreas Koch wrote:
I wouldn't worry about DSD wide, because that is a dead format that I was involved in launching for professional recording applications more than 10 years ago. It never took off.
I just need it for my own purposes, but I can make custom stuff as necessary if there's no interest from others.
Right now I'm just hoping to see a well defined common sample formats defined for ALSA that can be utilized by drivers. DoP could be implemented inside the driver or at ALSA layer instead of applications doing it. Not that I would mind, but I would find it cleaner than the current approach... :)
Currently, ASIO is the only API to support DSD sample formats. I understand that Microsoft or Apple is a slow to turn giant, but I'd hope ALSA wouldn't be such. ;)
There are already those IEC958 and DD/dts things being used for movie playback, so this wouldn't be such a big difference afterall.
- Jussi