I'm sorry if I inadvertently suggested something specific to me or my system. I did not think I was doing that.
Actually i was offering to help by testing. I'm sorry I don't have the skills to help in the way that would be most useful for you by compiling the kernel from source code - but that does not mean i am asking you to do something special for me. I could also help by lending my FF400 for a short time to a UK based developer if there is one.
I am NOT a software developer and I have very little knowledge of kernels or hardware level coding. I don't really have time to learn.
I shouldn't even be on this list - I only asked about the status of the FF400 driver here because there was no response on the alsa users list.
i will test the alsa driver for the FF400 when it becomes available in one of the kernels I use through the normal repos and ppas for those.
On 19/12/2018 04:22, Takashi Sakamoto wrote:
I'm sorry but I have no interest in your system at all, thus I don't use my time for something of it. I'm a software developer, not your servant.