On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 10:02:59AM +0100, Jose Abreu wrote:
Hi Mark,
Can you give me some comments regarding this patch? Am I following the right track? This is the first time that I am using ALSA SoC so pardon me if I am making some mistake. I would appreciate some kind of input. I tested this only on a ARC SDP and it is working.
On 27-04-2016 11:05, Jose Abreu wrote:
Please don't send content free pings and please allow a reasonable time for review. People get busy, go on holiday, attend conferences and so on so unless there is some reason for urgency (like critical bug fixes) please allow at least a couple of weeks for review. Sending content free pings just adds to the mail volume (if they are seen at all) and if something has gone wrong you'll have to resend the patches anyway.