alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #285 was opened from Onyx47:
I have the board from the title. Out of the box, the audio does not work at all, however the following change to `alsa/ucm2/USB-Audio/USB-Audio.conf` gets the rear panel working:
``` Regex "USB((0414:a00e)|(0b05:(1996|1a(16|2[07])))|(0db0(005a|151f|1feb|419c|82c7|a073|a47c|b202|d6e7|3130)))" ```
(USB id of the card is `0db0:3130`, just added `3130` to the regex).
No luck on the front panel however, tried following some discussions and figuring it out to make a complete patch on my own but it's way over my head :)
Here is my `alsa-info` output:
Let me know if there is any other info I need to provide.
Issue URL : Repository URL: