11 Apr
11 Apr
3:06 a.m.
intellij wrote:
- Normally, when you have all the ingredients and glue (your code), you can produce an object. But not in c. Once your file compiles successfully in isolation, does not guarantee it will attached to a larger project.
Neither is it guaranteed in other languages.
- Even C++ with its namespaces patch fails to produce a decent development environment. The best tools for C++ are incommensurably ugly compared to the impressing capabilities of development environments for the Java (relatively new language).
One cannot create an OS with Java.
Best Regards,
Carlo Florendo
Softare Engineer/Network Co-Administrator
Astra Philippines Inc.
UP-Ayala Technopark, Diliman 1101, Quezon City
The Astra Group of Companies
5-3-11 Sekido, Tama City
Tokyo 206-0011, Japan