At Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:57:41 +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 06:12:14PM +0100, Takashi Iwai wrote:
Andy Shevchenko wrote:
example? Could we make more flex configuration in the ALSA instead of hardcoded model= in the modprobe.conf?
Windows have *.INI files so that they can ignore broken BIOS. Or in other way round - due to this, the hardware vendors never ship the correct BIOS!
Worse, fixing the BIOS would probably break driver level workarounds :/
No, in the case HD-audio, it won't normally. The driver level workarounds are simply to override (thus ignore) the BIOS definitions and use the static configuration.
I have patches to make some stuff dynamically re-configurable, e.g. overriding the default pin-config or additional verbs together with some hints to the parser, which can be set up via udev etc.
I guess the kernel could do the quirking for most cases by using DMI information to identify the broken BIOSes, though there are obvious advantages to user space workarounds so it may not be worth it for something like sound which is unlikely to be needed to boot.
The quirks have been already there in HD-audio driver. But the problem is that there are far too many. That's why we need a better, more flexible approach now, adjustable from the user-space after loading the driver.