Have you try the fix ?
I did not see that update. works now without any modifications on this machine.
I have generated a graph.
You can use hda-verb GET_PIN_SENSE to test all the pin complex nodes
pincap support DETECT
I have tried a few attempts but it's pretty confusing.
These ones don't do anything:
# hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 GET_PIN_SENSE # hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x0 GET_PIN_SENSE
I don't know what to make of this output:
Bit 31 is PD
VALUE should return 0 when Jack is UNplugged and 0x80000000 when Jack
plugged for those pin which support DETECT
But your alc668 is on card 1 , the second hda controller
Sorry. Missed that one.
# hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x16 GET_PIN_SENSE PIN_CAP nid = 0x16, verb = 0xf09, param = 0xc value = 0x0 # hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x19 GET_PIN_SENSE PIN_CAP nid = 0x19, verb = 0xf09, param = 0xc value = 0x0 # hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x11a GET_PIN_SENSE PIN_CAP invalid nid 0x11a # hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x1a GET_PIN_SENSE PIN_CAP nid = 0x1a, verb = 0xf09, param = 0xc value = 0x0 # hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x1b GET_PIN_SENSE PIN_CAP nid = 0x1b, verb = 0xf09, param = 0xc value = 0x0
Do you mean the plugging of subwoofer cannot be detected
hda-jack-sense-test -c 1 -a
I see the following new controls
Speaker CFLE (mute only) Speaker Front (mute + vol) Speaker Side (mute only) Speaker Surround (mute + vol)
hda-jack-retask won't check whether your codec have enough audio output
you changed all the nodes to speaker
But the driver expect multiout support up to 8 channels when parsing the pin
As alc668 only support 6 channels, hda_generic.c just assign audio
and create volume control but Jack detection controls and mute switch
created according to the number of parsed pins which support Jack detect and mute switch
Do the headphone still work with pulseaudio since there is no headphone playback volume and headphone is share SPEAKER FRONT PLAYBAACK VOLUME control with front speaker ?
With speaker-test I can hear audio on the right channel
speaker-test -c2 -t wav -D hw:1,0
audio comes out of front left/right
speaker-test -c4 -t wav -D hw:1,0
front left/right has no audio rear left/right audio comes out of front left/right speakers
# speaker-test -c6 -t wav -D hw:1,0
speaker-test 1.0.28
Playback device is hw:1,0 Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 6 channels WAV file(s) Channels count (6) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument
The graph don't contain enough into for debugg
Post output of after retasked
Seem headphone is more important than multichannel speaker when evaluating the badness of config
You may need to configure alsa driver --with-debug=verbose to produce more information in system log about how it evaluate the badness