OK, I'll bite, see below.
On Friday 27 July 2007 21:40:09 Takashi Iwai wrote:
At Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:40:45 +1200, Eliot Blennerhassett wrote:
I'm confused again. Which is the real official wiki? http://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page
As far as migrating the website on to this wiki, it would be very helpful to have a list of the source pages and their wiki equivalents that need migrating, otherwise it is very hard for a volunteer to pick a page and do it. E.g. page [[WebMigration]] contains
Volunteers need to migrate these pages. Pick a page below, and create the matching wiki page. Once you have done this, delete the line from here
[http://alsa-project.org/applications.php] [[Applications]] ... etc
This one for developers only, which has been existed since long time ago.
Only the first one is the official wiki. The developers wiki should be gone after migration, IMO. The unofficial Wiki is literally unofficial, which we can do nothing directly. It'd been asked to migrate both of them, but no action has been done yet.
Ingo Mueller wrote:
If you provide a rough plan of how to merge these wikis and you are willing to spent time in its realization, I'm sure that people will greatly appriciate it!
Is there a reason NOT to migrate the 'developers only' wiki on alsa-project.org into the 'official wiki' . Converting from wikkawakka to mediawiki on the way.
If the (currently active) contributors to the developer wiki agreed, I'd be willing to do the grunt work of moving the pages. but the page 'owners' might prefer to do the copy and keep the authorship intact...
JamesCourtierDutton 15 pages LiamGirdwood 2 or 3 pages ClemensLadisch 1 page NormanSchleicher 2 pages JohnUtz 3 pages JaroslavKysela 5 pages
And, in the official wiki, would we want a separate Development: namespace? Something the wiki-master needs to create. or is a Development: category a better way to go.
At the end of this migration, we'd be down to 2 wikis, both MediaWiki, so a future merge would be easier(???) ==================================== Integrating official and unofficial is a bridge to cross...later. However, setting up some interwiki mappings between the 2 would make it easier to crosslink:
cheers .-- Eliot