В сообщении от 26 июня 2010 23:57:42 автор Mark Brown написал:
On 26 Jun 2010, at 21:53, Vasily Khoruzhick wrote:
В сообщении от 26 июня 2010 23:09:39 автор Mark Brown написал:
The regulator API isn't massively complex either and it does provide a standard abstraction for controlling power which seems like it might be useful here, though given the (frankly rather odd) fiddling with clocks your callback does perhaps it won't help.
Ok, but I still don't like idea about keeping both regulator and gpio stuff.
If you're going to the regulator API it's probably OK to remove the GPIO stuff since the regulator API supports GPIO controlled regulators already. Does mean transitioning the existing drivers but it means everyone shares the same code.
Actually, power on sequence on rx1950 (and on magician) looks like following:
1. set power pin to 1 2. set reset pin to 1 3. wait a bit (1ms or so) 4. set reset pin to 0
Reset right after power on is necessary at least on rx1950 (otherwise codec doesn't respond on i2c).
Fixed regulator doesn't support that logic now, and I don't want to mix gpio/regulator stuff in uda1380 driver. Does it makes sense to implement another fixed-like regulator just for uda1380?
Regards Vasily