29 Nov
29 Nov
8:23 a.m.
David Hubbard wrote:
I recently got an Edirol UA-4FX. It works just fine as a generic USB Audio device. I've written up all the details at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Edirol_UA-4FX (shamelessly stolen from the Edirol_UA-25 page).
The the UA-4FX needs a patch to usbaudio.c create_ua700_ua25_quirk() and usbquirks.h, and then it has full support. (MIDI I/O, sample rates up to 96 kHz) I've made an attempt, mostly to get it working on my machine. Can you review it?
static int create_ua700_ua25_quirk(struct snd_usb_audio *chip,
The name of this function and the quirk should be changed.
- /* both PCM and MIDI interfaces have 2 altsettings,
* except UA-4FX at 48 kHz, PCM interface has 3 altsettings */
What is the third altsetting for? The quirk currently assumes that there is only one altsetting to be used.
Regards, Clemens