13 Jul
13 Jul
7:16 p.m.
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:53:47 -0700 tdavis@dsl-only.net wrote:
For RPM based systems, I have a build environment for the drivers, libs, and utils packages at http://members.dsl-only.net/~tdavis/my-build.tar.bz2. You need to be root to build them, but they won't interfere with your rpm distribution. THe driver rpm will also make a backup of your current drivers prior to installation.
Wow! That is great. Already downloaded it, will install it in a bit. With such a tool, it would be a snap to run the latest HG image. If I were to do that, which link should I grab on the hg.alsa-project.org page?
And thank you for making this available.