Ujfalusi, Peter <peter.ujfalusi <at> ti.com> writes:
McBSP2 has 1280 word long buffer.
Wow, that is a long buffer! There is no way to reduce the buffer size?
I have some ideas, but it is a long shot. Basically by design it is not possible, but I might can get around of it by misusing/configuring the McBSP, and sDMA. I try to hack something up for kernel 3.3.
Hi Peter, is there like a set of steps/hints/source that you could share for developers to experiment around these 'hacks' to the McBSP/sDMA? Is it a matter of recompiling a particular kernel module or lib?.
I have verified Edgar's statements; I am not using Jack, just straight ALSA pcm commands and I cannot get the stream to run at anything less than a 23 ms: 128 frames x 8 periods. I can use longer size w/less periods but ALSA will always throw an error if I try a combined lower latency.
Your feedback will be greatly appreciated! -Jacinto