Clemens Ladisch wrote:
Németh Márton wrote:
I enabled the microphone input, increased the microphone record level to maximum, and enabled "Mic Boost". I can hear my voice through the speakers, but I cannot record sound.
This looks as if you've set the playback level and not the record level of the microphone. In alsamixer, use F3/F4 to switch between playback and record controls.
Thanks a lot, that was the solution.
In alsamixer I pressed F4 to reach the "[Capture]" settings. At "Mic" the red "CAPTUR" text was there. What was missing is that at "Capture" the red "CAPTUR" text was not there. I had to navigate to "Capture" and press the SPACE bar. I also had to increase the level of "Capture" with the up/down arrows.
What I recognised that in KMix 2.6.1 (KDE 3.5.8) there is a "Capture" level adjuster, but its level is not connected with the "Capture" level in AlsaMixer v1.0.16. But maybe that's a KMix problem.
Thanks again,
Márton Németh