I setup an ALSA plugin chain to allow individual volume-controlled mono access to a 4-channel sound card. I'm including the asound.conf only for the first channel. Whenever I open "plug:playback1" and play audio, it appears the "playback1" softvol mixer goes locked and any attempt to change its value within the same or another application results in "Operation not permitted". Can you think of something I might be missing?
pcm.playback8k { type dmix ipc_key 666 ipc_perm 0666 slave { pcm "hw:0" format S16_LE channels 4 rate 8000 buffer_size 8192 period_size 1024 } bindings.0 0 bindings.1 1 bindings.2 2 bindings.3 3 }
pcm.playback8k1 { type route slave { pcm "playback8k" format S16_LE channels 4 } ttable.0.0 1 }
pcm.playback1 { type softvol slave.pcm "playback8k1" control.name "playback1" control.card 0 control.count 1 min_dB -51.0 max_dB 0.0 resolution 256 } ctl.playback1 { type hw card 0 }