On Sunday, 10 October 2021 10:40:09 CEST Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
Unfortunately this change broke multichannel audio on my Rock64 device running Debian. My Rock64 is connected to my AVR (Pioneer SC-1224) via a HDMI cable.
This looks like an user space configuration problem.
I have placed ALSA card definitions (I think) from LibreELEC on my system from https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv/tree/master/projects/Rockchip/ filesystem/usr/share/alsa/cards
I have just prepended "LE-" and appended ".bak" to those files and rebooted and that resulted in only "output:stereo-fallback" profiles. Just like in what I considered 'failures' that I tracked down to this commit.
So it appears that LE's card definitions *gave* me multichannel output, whereas I wouldn't have had it otherwise. It also explains why the sound issue occurs with LE too.
Note that I took/used LE's work as 'inspiration' to improve things on Debian. Their work seems very good to me and one of their card definitions was also referenced from (kernel) commit 25572fb5aa986bdbb35d06c0fb52a9b9d9b3b2c9 titled "arm64: dts: rockchip: enable HDMI sound nodes for rk3328-rock64"
if a PA profile or an UCM configuration is used (in the PA debug log).
While I don't consider myself clueless wrt Linux (running Sid for 10+ years), I am clueless wrt how ALSA/PA/audio-in-general works (on Linux). When I do 'journalctl -b -u pulseaudio --since="2021-10-10 12:00:00"' I get a lot of output and also several 'errors', but I have no clue how to interpret that. I also get that when AFAIC (from a user standpoint) everything 'works'. So I'd need some help with that.
I could attach output of (several runs of) "journalctl" and f.e. the output of 'alsa-info', but I haven't yet as it may not be appropriate and may also no longer be considered a kernel problem (and the 'To:' list is (far) larger then I'm used to). So I'd need some guidance with that too.
Regards, Diederik