On Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 09:48:36AM -0700, Caleb Crome wrote:
On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Mark Brown broonie@kernel.org wrote:
TDM, at least in the sense Linux is using it, is multiple *unrelated* audio streams on a single wire. Any multi-channel audio stream is TDM in some sense but the trivial extension to add two or more channels
Thanks for taking the time to describe this to me. This definitely comes as a surprise to me. I assumed that TDM mode simply means multi-channels on a single wire (which is what it means in all the datasheets).
It *really* depends on the datasheets you're looking at. Things that are doing generic programmable serial ports might have no concept of channels and inflexible devices which just support configurable numbers of channels are just as likely to refer to DSP mode or whatever as anything else.
Just so I have this straight, TDM in the linux sense is putting say, 6-channels on one wire where the channels are from logically different places? i.e. chanels 0-1 are from bluetooth, 2-3 from analog in, and 4-5 from somewhere else?
You also need some separation of devices for us to actually care - if none of the hardware can tell this is going on it's not meaningfully TDM.
As far as I can see he's not trying to define *unrelated* streams in TDM mode, but very related streams, which is TDM in the datasheet-sense. And there not only needs to be a mechanism of choosing the dual I2S mode, but also which TDM slots to drop the data in (which I think already exists, right?)
'channels_max > 2'? I was always under the assumption that's what TDM meant.
We don't particularly call it anything, it's such a trivial extension.
That's not been my experience :-) Getting 16 channels onto a wire has been anything but trivial because of the lack of SoC driver support for it. Perhaps I'm just using the wrong SoCs.
Yes, you're using the wrong SoCs - anything with a programmable serial port should cope fine.