Dear ALSA team,
I just joined the mailing list on after being referred to it.
Is it possible for me to edit the Raw Midi data with ALSA... I looked a RtMidi and that opens a port but doesn't help me Midi Poison or Midi Message Map.
What I want to do is edit the Midi Messages, re-mapping the notes. I simply want to flip the progression of the keys on a midi piano from high notes to low notes. On the fly. Basically I want to take the note on message byte and use the note number as an index for an array of remapped keys.
I want to flip the keyboard on a D note for now... then later allow users to turn this remapping off and on (on the fly.) Also it would be nice to have certain note ranges mapped to different programs/patches.
PS> I wish I could help test the sound drivers... but I only have an inexpensive intel integrated sound chip and I am on a dell which needs to be replaced with something par.