[Sound-open-firmware] [Re]: Make error when building topology and tools

Mohana Datta Yelugoti ymdatta.work at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 07:33:16 CET 2020

On 28/02/20 7:54 pm, Paul Olaru (OSS) wrote:
> The regular log seems to be truncated (and however much it was captured it shows no errors),
> while the error log seems to be an invalid link? Can you repost them, perhaps on the actual
> pastebin.com website?

My apologies, the updated pastebin links to topology_log and topology_error_log are at 
[0] and [1] respectively. (topology_log contains output to stdout and topology_error_log
contains the output to stderr.)

> You may still need to do the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... line even if you're on the latest
> Ubuntu distro, the alsa-lib may still be outdated in the distro and the topology compiler will
> use whatever alsa-lib is automatically loaded, which could mean the distro-specific version
> rather than the one you compiled. Did you try that as well?

Yes, i tried that. In the building SOF from scratch guide [2], building topology is the Step 4.
alsa-lib and alsa-utils with newest ALSA is built in Step 1 and LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... is exported in
the Step 2. I was able to successfully build firmware binaries if that helps. 

Thank you for your time.


[0]: https://pastebin.com/aQTtb9uq
[1]: https://pastebin.com/bixrSkr6
[2]: https://thesofproject.github.io/latest/getting_started/build-guide/build-from-scratch.html

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