Front Audio (Headphone) and Optical Not Working in Rocky Linux 9

yakajirri - a001 a001 at
Sat Dec 31 20:16:35 CET 2022

With Rocky Linux 9 (clone of RHEL 9), I do not get audio of the front 
headphone jack or the optical output on the back.  I do get audio out of 
the line out on the back.  The front port does not work with Rocky Linux 
8, Ubuntu and Fedora, and I did not test the optical.  With Windows, the 
front jack works as expected with the realtek driver installed, and I 
did not test the optical on Windows.

The output of /usr/sbin/ is here:

I built the computer with a Gigabyte Z690 AERO G motherboard that has a 
realtek alc4080 codec and Intel Z690 chipset.

With Rocky Linux 9, without the headphones plugged in the sounds 
settings show:
   digital output (s/sdif) - usb
   hdmi/displayport-built-in audio

when plug in headphones in the front jack “headphones - usb audio” 
appears and disappears when I unplug the headphones.

If I use the following command, I can hear the audio clip through the 
   aplay -D plughw:Audio,1 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav

If I use the following command, I can hear the audio clip through the 
   aplay -D plughw:Audio,2 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav

I’m using alsa-lib 1.2.7 from the Rocky Linux repo.  I tried to compile 
1.2.8  from source but when I run “./configure” I got the error:
   ./configure: line 2998: syntax error near unexpected token `external'
   ./configure: line 2998: `AM_GNU_GETTEXT(external)'

I noticed 
has more If.realtek-alc4080 entries.  When I copied the 
If.realtek-alc4080 section into 
/usr/share/alsa/ucm2/USB-Audio/USB-Audio.conf and 
/usr/share/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/USB-Audio/USB-Audio.conf, and after I 
rebooted, I get the same performance.

One thing I noticed in 
is the only Gigabyte entry under If.realtek-alc4080 is “Gigabyte Z590 
Aorus Pro AX”.  I see other manufactures have  Intel Z690 chipset 
support but not Gigabyte.

I’m not sure if I’m hitting a bug or if my motherboard is not 
supported.  Please point me in the correct direction if this isn’t an 
AlSA issue.  I posted the Rocky Linux forum but was not able to resolve 
the issue.


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