rt5650 on HP Chromebook G5 Setzer faults

Pierre-Louis Bossart pierre-louis.bossart at linux.intel.com
Tue Dec 20 01:13:36 CET 2022

On 12/18/22 7:02 AM, Mark Hills wrote:
> HP Chromebook (11a, G5 "Setzer") uses snd_soc_sst_cht_bsw_rt5645 module
> and presents a device "rt5650".

can you share the result of 'aplay -l', wondering which platform driver 
you are using.
> Audio works briefly, until after about 30 seconds it's interrupted by a
> square wave or short buffer cycling.

If this is with the SOF driver, there's a known issue and a known 
workaround, please add this to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

options snd_sof sof_debug=1

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