Request for setup of new repositories

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at
Mon Apr 25 15:20:11 CEST 2022

Hi Jaroslav, Iwai-san,

Thanks for your maintenance for alsa-project organization in
Currently I'd like to add new three repositories under the organization
as a part of my work for ALSA firewire stack.

I've been maintaining libhinawa since 2014 and recently realized that
current design is not necessarily convenient since it includes two
functions; operation to Linux FireWire cdev, and operation of ALSA HwDep
cdev. Currently I'm working for new library to split the latter operation.
Then I'd like you to setup below repositories:

 * 'libhitaki'
 * 'libhitaki-doc'
 * 'hitaki-rs'

The library itself and its Rust binding are utilized by
'snd-firewire-ctl-services'[2], thus it's preferable to register them under
'GObject Introspection' Team.

Thanks for your assist for my work.



Takashi Sakamoto

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