Possible issue with Intel 200 PCH HD on X299 AORUS Gaming 7

Geraldo Nascimento geraldogabriel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 17:05:23 CET 2021

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 09:26:58PM +0200, Ramon Fried wrote:
> Hi all.

Hello Ramon,

> Apparently on Linux Headphones and Line are switched.
> Dual booting Windows on the same machine proves that it's indeed
> connected correctly.

That's too bad.

> I initially thought it was related to Pulseaudio, but together with
> Pulseaudio guys help we figured it's probably in ALSA.
> http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=535021978814678ea328b0d3a053ba3cbd39b709
> Where should I open a bug ? Is it kernel related, if user-space, to
> which ALSA component should I open a bug to ?

Bugzilla is the right place for this. This will most likely require a quirk,
probably inside sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c so it's kernel-side.

> Thanks,
> Ramon

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