[alsa-devel] [v7 PATCH] amidi: add sysex-interval option

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Wed Sep 14 07:43:37 CEST 2016

>>>>> +        "-i, --sysex-interval=mseconds   delay in between each SysEx

I really appreciate this new option. It's by no means useful only for 
firmware upgrades that's often mentioned in this thread. IMO that's a 
special case.

More common is that (older) synths expect a delay between SyxEx blocks to 
prevent "MIDI buffer full" type of messages on the synth's display. I have 
read in the manual of some Yamaha synths (can't remember which) a 
recommendation to use an interval of 10 ms. When I programmed YSEDITOR, a 
Yamaha synth editor/librarian in the old Atari days, I often used series 
of sysex messages simulating button presses to put the synth in a certain 
mode, before sending bulkdumps and parameter change messages. Some 
messages took more time inside the synth to be processed and I had to 
insert time intervals before I could send another message.

If I combine such a sequence of sysex messages in a single .syx file and 
use amidi to send the message, I will surely need the new -i parameter.

Apart from that, every sysex dump utility I have seen has a similar 
feature. MIDI-OX for Windows is probably the best known example.

So, thanks guys.



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