[alsa-devel] Discarding the first few frames inside the kernel

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp
Thu Jan 21 03:18:44 CET 2016


On Jan 21 2016 02:24, Ankhit Vivekananda wrote:
> I am not sure as to how the wait for 4.5ms can be applied there?

I think you asked about the way to achieve the idea.

Call kernel's process scheduler in the .prepare() implementation of your 
driver. For example, msleep() in <linux/delay.h> (More geneous logic is 
preferrable, I think.)

Don't do this in .trigger() implementation, because this can be called 
in interrupt context, or between 
spin_lock_irqsave()/spin_lock_irqstore() in process context.

> Alternatively, does calling snd_pcm_format_set_silence(), be a safe
> method to silence the first few samples coming out of the buffer?

I don't know exactly because I have no supplemental information about 
your driver and hardware design.


Takashi Sakamoto

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