[alsa-devel] [PATCH 1/1] ALSA: usb-audio: Change internal PCM order

johan at oljud.se johan at oljud.se
Sun Sep 6 18:16:13 CEST 2015

From: Johan Rastén <johan at oljud.se>

New PCMs will now be added to the end of the chip's PCM list instead of to the
front. This changes the way streams are combined so that the first capture
stream will now be merged with the first playback stream instead of the last.

This fixes a problem with ASUS U7. Cards with one playback stream and cards
without capture streams should be unaffected by this change.

Exception added for M-Audio Audiophile USB (tm) since it seems to have a fix to
swap capture stream numbering in alsa-lib conf/cards/USB-audio.conf

Signed-off-by: Johan Rastén <johan at oljud.se>

diff --git a/sound/usb/stream.c b/sound/usb/stream.c
index 310a382..01f5a86 100644
--- a/sound/usb/stream.c
+++ b/sound/usb/stream.c
@@ -377,8 +377,15 @@ int snd_usb_add_audio_stream(struct snd_usb_audio *chip,

 	snd_usb_init_substream(as, stream, fp);

-	list_add(&as->list, &chip->pcm_list);
+	/*
+	 * Keep using head insertion for M-Audio Audiophile USB (tm) which has a
+	 * fix to swap capture stream order in conf/cards/USB-audio.conf
+	 */
+	if (chip->usb_id == USB_ID(0x0763, 0x2003))
+		list_add(&as->list, &chip->pcm_list);
+	else
+		list_add_tail(&as->list, &chip->pcm_list);


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