[alsa-devel] Audio routing in the tlv320aic3104

Rick Mann rmann at latencyzero.com
Wed Oct 7 13:12:05 CEST 2015

I've managed to get a hacky, fragile config working, in the sense that it sends my tlv320aic3104 samples from speaker-test, and the clocks and data all look good on the oscilloscope, and it ping-pongs between the left and right channel.

But it's outputting the signal on the HPLOUT/HPROUT pins, not the L&R Line Out pins.

My DTS has this:

    fragment at 3 {
        target = <&ocp>;
        __overlay__ {
            sound {
                compatible = "ti,da830-evm-audio";
                ti,model = "DA830 EVM";
                ti,audio-codec = <&tlv320aic3x>;
                ti,mcasp-controller = <&mcasp0>;
                ti,codec-clock-rate = <12000000>;
                ti,audio-routing =
                    "Line Out",             "LLOUT",
                    "Line Out",             "RLOUT";

The original had:

	"Headphone Jack",       "HPLOUT",
	"Headphone Jack",       "HPROUT",
	"LINE1L",               "Line In",
	"LINE1R",               "Line In";

I also have an asound.state file I got from the Audio Cape:


I don't really know how to interpret that file. One resource online said it held the current state of the system. I guess that suggests I should play with amixer. But how does the DTS routing come into play?


Rick Mann
rmann at latencyzero.com

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