[alsa-devel] Intel Baytrail Linux Audio

Luka Karinja lk at bazdara.com
Fri Jul 10 17:24:07 CEST 2015

> irq index in deafult shoudl work for t100, you should see interrupts
even with .acpi_ipc_irq_index = 5 the output of the interupts while 
playing is:
pinkflozd at bazdara-t100taf:~$ cat /proc/interrupts | grep sst
    6:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC 
28-fasteoi   intel_sst_driver

In both situations there is just huge heat coming from the speaker and a 
few clicks not related to playing sound

The T100TAF (Atom Z3535G & rt5642) seems to be using different 
interrupts order than the T100TA (AtomZ3775 & rt5640)

                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )
                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )
                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )
                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )
                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )
                 Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, 
Exclusive, ,, )

I did try to sort them (based on Antonios suggestion) but got lots of 
errors when recompiling so i need to explore that a bit further

> That wont work, I have verfied with T100, it is SSP2 based, so SSP0 will nto
> work here. I am trying to get this tested on latest driver and provide a
> working config. Will update shortly
I did try the "old" driver for SSP0 that the guys with a T100TA are 
using but on the T100TAF doesn't work, so maybe the TAF is using 
something other than SSP2?

Please keep me CC'ed for any followups on this mater


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