[alsa-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Alsa: USB: Improve M-Audio Fast Track Ultra mixer

Felix Homann linuxaudio at showlabor.de
Mon Apr 23 11:16:05 CEST 2012

This series of patches improves the mixer for Fast Track Ultra (8R)
devices by

	* adding TLV to existing controls
	* adding new controls for the effect section.

It unifies the control creation for FTU and Ebox-44 devices.

Mark, could you please look at mixer_quirks.c. Do we really need the range settings 
in snd_create_std_mono_ctl()? BTW, you might like to add some TLV callback to the
Ebox-44 controls as well.



Felix Homann (3):
  Unify M-Audio Fast Track Ultra and Ebox-44 mixer quirks.
  Add TLV to M-Audio volume controls
  M-Audio FTU: Add effect controls

 sound/usb/mixer.c        |   23 +++
 sound/usb/mixer_quirks.c |  493 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)


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