[alsa-devel] _mmap_playback_avail() short (was: Default device XRUNs with perriods=2)

Alan Horstmann gineera at aspect135.co.uk
Thu Nov 3 11:03:09 CET 2011

Hi Takashi,

After several days dissecting, mainly with printf's, I have tracked the events 
that cause the problem I originally posted about with Portaudio playback to 
the default device at 44100Hz.  Could you confirm that the Alsa behaviour is 
what should be expected, please?

It seems that at a period boundary event snd_pcm_mmap_playback_avail() may not 
return a full period size, but is a few bytes short.  If avail_min is set to 
one whole period (which Portaudio at present does), 
snd_pcm_direct_poll_revents() zeroes the revent due to the check of 
snd_pcm_mmap_playback_avail() against avail_min.  POLLOUT is therefore not 
indicated, and the app does not write any data, causing an Xrun.

However, if the absence of POLLOUT is ignored, calling snd_pcm_avail_update() 
at that time returns a full period size.

This only seems to happen on the default device when playing at a sample rate 
not corresponding to the dmix rate of 48000, presumably due to the 

The solution from the Portaudio point-of-view is to set avail_min lower, but I 
wanted to check with you that the values being returned are sane.



This is not a top-post - but here is the original posting for reference:-

On Monday 31 October 2011 17:38, I wrote:
> I am trying to debug/fix some problems with Portaudio on Linux platform,
> and would appreciate assistance from Alsa experts.
> The 'default' pcm on the test systems here (Suse 9 and SLED10), is standard
> for the configuration and includes dmix and plug conversion, with fixed
> period of 1024 at 48000.  Pulseaudio is not on these systems.
> When playing data (using a polling mechanism) at 48000 both 3 (or more) and
> 2 periods of buffer work fine; with the fixed period of 1024 the lowest
> latency is 2 * 1024 / 48000 = 42.6ms.
> However, at 44100, 2 periods does not run properly at all, but 3 does.  The
> periods in this case are (940, 941) due to the rate conversion.
> What I see (captured on another machine) from start of the stream is one
> 21.3ms period of good audio, a discontinuity followed by some variable
> amount of out-of-sync audio, and a section of silence.
> I believe that the discontinuity corresponds to the point at which
> snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents() returns POLLERR and portaudio detects
> the POLLERR and restarts the stream, so that after a certain delay there is
> another 21.3ms of audio, POLLERR, now no out-of-sync audio, just silence,
> before it all repeats.  So it stutters only outputting 21.3ms bursts of
> audio.
> The CPU usage during this is about 2%.  I am suspecting some
> mis-configuration, or is it wrong to expect this to work at 2 periods due
> to the rate conversion etc?
> Any pointers etc would be really appreciated.  This is the info dump:-
> RATE: 44100
> PERIOD_TIME: (21333 21334)
> PERIOD_SIZE: (940 941)
> PERIOD_BYTES: (7520 7528)
> BUFFER_TIME: (42653 42654)
> start_mode: DATA
> xrun_mode: STOP
> tstamp_mode: MMAP
> period_step: 1
> sleep_min: 0
> avail_min: 940
> xfer_align: 1
> silence_threshold: 0
> silence_size: 4235635449541951488
> boundary: 4235635449541951488
>   stream       : PLAYBACK
>   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
>   format       : FLOAT_LE
>   subformat    : STD
>   channels     : 2
>   rate         : 44100
>   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
>   msbits       : 32
>   buffer_size  : 1881
>   period_size  : 940
>   period_time  : 21333
>   tick_time    : 0
>   tstamp_mode  : MMAP
>   period_step  : 1
>   sleep_min    : 0
>   avail_min    : 940
>   xfer_align   : 1
>   start_threshold  : 940
>   stop_threshold   : 1881
>   silence_threshold: 0
>   silence_size : 4235635449541951488
>   boundary     : 4235635449541951488

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