[alsa-devel] Front jack not working with hda-intel driver SigmaTel STAC9271D codec

David Mohr damailings at mcbf.net
Tue Dec 29 16:57:12 CET 2009

I'm running ubuntu 9.10. I had to force model=5stack to get any audio
output at all. While the jack in the back now works, I still don't get
any sound on the front jack. I haven't found any options in alsamixer,
and switching the output mode in pavucontrol to the headphones just
makes the sound disappear from the back jack, but I still get nothing
in the front.

I uploaded my alsa-info.sh output here:

Can I fix this somehow, or is it a bug?

And of course thanks everyone for the usually great working alsa system.


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