[alsa-devel] HDMI v. ICH8 on Dell XPS M1330

Armando Di Cianno armando at goodship.net
Fri Feb 29 02:29:06 CET 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 12:55 -0800, Tellman, Steven wrote:
> Notice we use the "Other Digital" as the jack. Is that possibly
> causing
> a problem? IEC958 shows up, but doesn't provide output to HDMI devices
> (that I've tested).

At a user level, this is definitely what I've experienced.

Are there any suggestions for testing if my current ALSA
install /should/ work, or how to find out if something is misconfigured,
or will simply not work?

I will gladly try any suggestions, thoroughly.  Thanks.

Armando Di Cianno
armando at dicianno.org
armando at goodship.net

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