[alsa-devel] multi pcm and mmap problem

Tim terminator356 at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Dec 2 00:33:35 CET 2007

Takashi, after a week of testing your multi-plughw patch 
 I'm satisfied it works fine.

One odd thing is that when I start Jack, sometimes I 
 immediately get a series of ever increasing xruns,
 sometimes hundreds of them with each display update of QJackctl.
Simply restarting QJackctl cures it and it runs for many hours 
 without trouble.
I am not convinced it has anything to do with your patch,
 maybe just my new .asoundrc and new altered setup.

Also, I never have tested any multi playback configuration, just record. 
When I get a chance I will test it.

Thanks. Tim.

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